As many women would said and believe,

The importance of being a woman is to become a mother. And, the essence of being a mother is to bring life to the seed embedded in her.

By default, mothers are natural caregivers. From the start of conceiving a life within her, they will even go further and beyond. They are also even ready and prepared to break all the chains that serve as a threat to her children.

Well, this is true to all mothers especially to the so-called “Warrior Mothers” of India. They fight for a clean air in their country so that their children may have a healthy living environment.

The Toxic Air and the Mothers of India

Based on WHO, New Delhi is the number one place in the world who has the worst air. Mothers already knew the dilemma of this situation in their place. So, they raise their voices for the purpose of giving a normal life for their kids. They wanted their children to normally play outdoors without the threat of pollution in cutting off their breath.

Warrior moms represent the voices of all the mothers in India. They give a glimpse of hope for the next generation to breathe in clean air.