Zodiac Sign Clock


Religions are anchored in all cultures that are intended to provide spiritual and spiritual comfort to society. In times of crisis, one turns to God, prays, and hopes that he will judge everything for the people. This faith gives many the strength they need to cope better with the problems and difficulties that life has in store. But some contemporaries do not need religion to cope with even the worst crises. And if you are someone with a Midheaven in Cancer, then this one is not for you as the following 4 zodiac signs are not religious at all.

Aries (21.03. – 20.04.)

The outspoken Aries cannot even imagine that there should be something between heaven and earth that takes care of people’s worries and needs and helps them in emergency situations. This zodiac sign is rather of the opinion “Help yourself, then God will help you”. With his energy, the spirited Aries does not wait for an unearthly being to take care of him but courageously tackles existing problems himself.

Scorpio (24.10. – 22.11.)

The determined Scorpio is interested in philosophy and religion, but cannot believe that anything that the Bible, the Talmud, or the Koran preaches to people is true. He likes to analyze the statements made there and ponder their truthfulness. But in the end, this zodiac sign remains skeptical and vehemently criticizes the things that religion and its representatives, the clergy, demand of people. “Such a humbug,” the scorpion often curses quietly to himself.


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Aquarius (21.01. – 19.02.)

For Aquarius, who is interested in science and technology, and thus in the rational, religion is simply nonsense that contradicts all reason. Instead of wasting its time with millennia-old stories, this zodiac sign prefers to put its energy into the future and into inventions that are important for the progress of mankind. “The snow of yesterday has no meaning for the world of tomorrow”, is the credo of the innovative Aquarius.

Virgo (24.08. – 23.09.)

Even the skeptical Virgo often wonders whether religion is still contemporary in our day. Man flies to the stars and science explains many phenomena that in earlier times were considered miracles or God’s work. This zodiac sign sees religion as superstition and conforms to Marx, who regarded religion as opium, i.e. sedative, of the people. The objective virgin then gives nothing in the bell bag.